Experience the Ultimate
Data-Driven FAE Assessment for WSIB to Improve Workplace Safety and Employee Well-Being

At Allevio, we understand the importance of a safe and healthy work environment, and rapid assessment and intervention when people are in pain. Our WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board) FAE assessment, powered by Ahero, provides the most comprehensive, personalized, and digitally-driven health and wellness evaluation. Discover how our cutting-edge technology helps reduce insurance costs, enhance employee well-being, and create a safer workplace.

The Allevio difference

Enabling Precision & Clarity In Today's Healthcare Ecosystem.

Comprehensive Analysis

Our WSIB assessment, powered by Ahero, offers a holistic view of employee well-being through biometric data and lifestyle analysis. Gain valuable insights into workplace safety and health risks to make informed decisions for your organization.

Personalized Insights:

Benefit from personalized, actionable insights based on data-driven algorithms. Our state-of-the-art FAE assessment service enables you to create targeted wellness programs and safety initiatives tailored to your organization's unique needs.

Enhanced Employee Engagement

Utilize our interactive digital platform to drive employee engagement in health and wellness initiatives. Encourage a culture of safety and well-being that leads to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and lower healthcare costs.

Expert Support

Partner with our team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping your organization achieve optimal workplace safety and employee health. Our expert support ensures a smooth implementation and ongoing success of your WSIB assessment program.

Ready to bring clarity to your assessments with Allevio and Ahero's ultimate data-driven FAE?

The Ultimate data-driven assessment

The Ahero WSIB Assessment


  • 120 point physical and medical assessment
  • Physical and orthopaedic examinations
  • Functional movement screening
  • Brainwave analysis
  • Muscle activity analysis
  • Personalized recommendations based upon results


Invest in your organization's future with Allevio and Ahero's WSIB assessment service.

"Allevio's Ahero WSIB assessment was a game-changer for our organization. Their comprehensive approach and personalized insights gave us the clarity and direction we needed to support our employees. With their help, we've created a healthier and safer work environment, improved productivity, and enhanced employee morale. I cannot recommend Allevio enough – they truly helped us transform our workplace for the better!"

Sally L, HR Manager - Ottawa, ON

Book Your Free Consult Today

Discover how we can help you create a safer, healthier work environment. Experience the ultimate data-driven health and wellness evaluation and unlock the full potential of your workforce.

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